Math Update

Here is a copy of the current parent letter for math.   We are exploring two digit addition.  Our second graders will be learning  methods of adding numbers together that may look different from how you and I learned.   Please take a few moments to look over the letter below :):

Screen Shot 2013-10-24 at 3.19.43 PM

Word Problem Detectives

Our second graders are digging in deep to solve word problems that use two or three digit addition subtraction and addition.  We have learned how to use comparison bars, math mountains and equations to solve these problems.  The most important task that we need to remember is to visualize what the problem is asking for, slowing down to understand what is being asked.  Here are just a  few examples of what we have learned:

Word Problem #1 ( Comparison  Bars)

David has 46 marbles.  He has 13 fewer marbles than Ellery.  How many marbles does Ellery have?


Word Problem #2  ( Two Step Word Problems)

Kiara has 2 cartons full of cereal boxes.  Each carton contains 12 cereal boxes.  She sells 17 cereal boxes.  How many are left?