Mind Up


You may have heard your child talking about our study of the brain here at school.  We use a program called MIND UP, which teaches children about their brains and how to help regulate behavior.

So far, we have learned some key areas of the brain.    The prefrontal cortex is what we call our WISE LEADER, it is where our smart thinking happens (math, reading, etc.).  Our Hippocampus is where our memories are stored, we called is our MEMORY SAVER.  And the amygdala is the part of our brain the helps us stay safe when we are in danger, we call it our SECURITY GUARD.

We have also learned how to give our PFC ( Prefrontal Cortex) time to receive information before we make a wise choice by taking mindful breathes, TAKE 10 ( count to 10 before you act when upset), and doing mindful listening.

Stay tuned for my brain facts as the year goes on :).

Mind Up

poster-1lh7y2wYou may have heard your child talking about our study of the brain here at school.  We use a program called MIND UP, which teaches children about their brains and how to help regulate behavior.

So far, we have learned some key areas of the brain.    The prefrontal cortex is what we call our WISE LEADER, it is where our smart thinking happens (math, reading, etc.).  Our Hippocampus is where our memories are stored, we called is our MEMORY SAVER.  And the amygdala is the part of our brain the helps us stay safe when we are in danger, we call it our SECURITY GUARD.

We have also learned how to give our PFC ( Prefrontal Cortex) time to receive information before we make a wise choice by taking mindful breathes, TAKE 10 ( count to 10 before you act when upset), and doing mindful listening.

Stay tuned for my brain facts as the year goes on :).



…. and learning how our brains work each day!  Check out this link  MINDUP, for information regarding our study of the brain and how it can help us regulate our behavior, make educated responses, and understand how our brain operates.   Ask your child to share with you the three main parts of the brain and what purpose each serves.  They are sooo intrigued with our study,  I recommended that they aspire to be neurosurgeons :)!