Updates for April 16, 2012

Hi Families,

As the year continues to fly by, we are busily diving into our learning and getting ready for third grade (it is going to be hard to part with my little honeys!).    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make sure to check our blog as well as the school blog for information pertaining to our busy spring schedule.

Here are a few tidbits regarding our studies….

Writer’s Workshop:  The boys and girls are writing reviews for various things including movies, restaurants, tourist attractions, video games and books.  We are focusing our reviews into three sections:  the introduction, THE MEAT ( concentrating on describing categories of importance including what it is like, who is it meant for, interviews and background information) and then a conclusion/rating.  I am amazed at the quality work that the children continue to put forth each and every.  We are REALLY concentrating on using punctuation at the end of sentences as well as beginning sentences with a capital letter.   Each of the reviews the children write will be compiled into their own book of personal reviews.


Daily  5:    Our focus for this past week has been comprehension, or understanding of text that we read.  One way that we have practiced this is by working with a partner and using The Question Spinner.  Through this process the children are asked their opinion, predictions of the story they read, descriptions of key events and/or recommendations.  This has also been a great opportunity to work on appreciating and respecting others while they are speaking.    This week we will be beginning a unit that will help us when answering questions about a piece of narrative text.  As the students prepare to take the MEAP for the first time in the fall, we want them to become familiar with multiple choice questions and be able to utilize test taking strategies.


Word Study:  Here are the words that we will be focusing on this week:   great, tell, men, small, say  ( Unit 23).  Make sure to visit the WORD STUDY link to practice these words online.


Math:  We will be wrapping up our unit on two and three digit subtraction with regrouping this week Wednesday with an assessment.  Please look for homework coming home tomorrow that will allow for a review of these concepts.


Science:  What a bunch of amazing scientists we have!!!!   On Friday we concluded our study of the properties of matter and WOW…… the kids had a blast doing all of our experiments!   This week we will enter into a study of Earth’s land and water with a study of landforms and bodies of water.   Check out this site for information about some of the earth’s landforms…. LANDFORMS.


Continue reading for 20 minutes each night, it makes such a difference in the reading lives of our children :).

Have a great week!

Mrs. Kuieck