Math Update

We have a classroom full of detectives!!!  Our second graders are learning how to solve word problems using strategies that encourage them to think through questions, draw pictures, write equations and check their answers.    This will be our focus for the next few weeks :).  We will investigate add to, take from, collective, missing/extra information, comparison and two step word problems.  Below find the most recent parent letter.

Math Update

We have a classroom full of detectives!!!  Our second graders are learning how to solve word problems using strategies that encourage them to think through questions, draw pictures, write equations and check their answers.    This will be our focus for the next few weeks :).  We will investigate add to, take from, collective, missing/extra information, comparison and two step word problems.  Below find the most recent parent letter.

Math Update

Our second grade mathematicians have been busy using addition and subtraction strategies to solve two, three and four digit equations… WOW!    Today we started investigating ways to be a word problem detective. We are focusing on the process and explanation of how to solve the problem before we actually find the answer.  This is skill that we will be working on throughout second grade by using the terms:  leave your thinking tracks,  retell the problem, teach me how you solved this problem.  Please see the parent letter below for more information.

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Math Update

Our second grade mathematicians have been busy using addition and subtraction strategies to solve two, three and four digit equations… WOW!    Today we started investigating ways to be a word problem detective.  Please see the parent letter below for more information ( click on image to enlarge :))

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Word Problem Detectives

Our second graders are digging in deep to solve word problems that use two or three digit addition subtraction and addition.  We have learned how to use comparison bars, math mountains and equations to solve these problems.  The most important task that we need to remember is to visualize what the problem is asking for, slowing down to understand what is being asked.  Here are just a  few examples of what we have learned:

Word Problem #1 ( Comparison  Bars)

David has 46 marbles.  He has 13 fewer marbles than Ellery.  How many marbles does Ellery have?


Word Problem #2  ( Two Step Word Problems)

Kiara has 2 cartons full of cereal boxes.  Each carton contains 12 cereal boxes.  She sells 17 cereal boxes.  How many are left?


Word Problem Detectives!

Our mathematicians continue to be word problem detectives each and every day.  They have developed wonderful strategies that encourage them to visualize what is being asked, as well as drawing pictures and writing equations.  We took a quick quiz yesterday and everyone did BEAUTIFULLY!   We are REALLY emphasizing “slow and steady wins the race” so that we can carefully think about the word problem before we start the solving process.  Next week we will be looking at two-step and more complex comparison word problems.  WAY TO GO SECOND GRADERS!

Math Update

We have a classroom full of detectives!!!  Our second graders are learning how to solve word problems using strategies that encourage them to think through questions, draw pictures, write equations and check their answers.    This will be our focus for the next few weeks :).  We will investigate add to, take from, collective, missing/extra information and two step word problems